Friday, July 2, 2010

My purpose

A lot of people are wondering  around aimlessly clueless as to why they are here. I can identify because there was a time I walked in those shoes. One day I had to stop and say wait a minute there has to be more to life than what I was experiencing. Real truth was revealed to me when I quieted myself and ask the  one who created me..., I figured he made so he can tell me precisely. I am so glad I asked now my life has meaning. In addition to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ ,inspiring, motivating, and empowering women for purpose is my purpose for being here. 

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Life Is Still Good

Despite all the doom and gloom of media portrayal life is still  good. In listening to Elizabeth Edwards amazing  interview with Larry King , and to know what she is facing and what she has gone through my mind could not help but think about how many people would have caved under the pressure. Elizabeth Edwards seems to understand the value of life and its goodness . The lesson learned in watching this woman of great strength is  that no matter what goes on life is still good.